Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Impact of the Gathering Survey | Friends General Conference

Impact of the Gathering Survey | Friends General Conference:

We have heard anecdotally of a few instances in which recent FGC Gatherings had a significant effect on a monthly meeting or a yearly meeting, and would like to learn about any other similar impacts so we have a more complete idea of how the Gathering can and does affect the Religious Society of Friends.

If you've attended FGC Gathering recently, or another FGC program which has had an impact on your monthly or yearly meeting, please fill out the survey at http://fgcquaker.org/impact-gathering-survey. Thanks!

Monday, 22 February 2010

Quakers who've read Greer's A World Full of Gods?

I am currently reading John Michael Greer's A World Full of Gods for a class I'm taking, and I would love to hear from other Quakers who've read this. I hope to post in more detail later, but one reason is because I found myself thinking his description of many Gods who are part of a unity sounded a lot like... Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. If you've read this, especially chapter 7, what are your thoughts?

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Survey: Pagans and the Commonweal

Via Aline O'Brien (Macha NightMare):

This is an informal survey for an upcoming panel I'm moderating at PantheaCon featuring Holli Emore, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Sam Webster. The topic is how Pagans involve themselves in efforts to create a better world, or for those who don't, why.

Responses will be collected until February 11, 2010. Thanks to all who help by responding.

Please click here (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FGXB29Z) to fill out the survey. It's short and sweet. Thanks!