Thursday, 7 June 2007

SpiralSong at Gathering

In terms of my music ministry, two interesting things happened during the Gathering Committee weekend in May. One is that several people asked me to make sure A Winter Solstice Singing Ritual is available in the Bookstore. The other is that I was asked to make some of that music available live at Gathering.

This is a lovely compliment.

When I got home, I contacted the folks I could think of who've sung this material (in performance, in ritual, or in a workshop I've taught) and who would be attending Gathering in River Falls. So far, there are six of us. We'll be singing some (not all) of the material from Winter Solstice, plus a few other songs that are well-loved by us, at the Limeade Cabaret. Four of the six of us have sung with SpiralSong Feminist Spirituality Vocal Ensemble, so it looks like we'll sing under that name.

I'm excited and happy, and very much looking forward to singing with dear F/friends.

(p.s. If you're familiar with the music from AWSSR, are going to be at Gathering, and are interested in being part of our small group, please let me know.)

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