Sunday, 14 October 2007

Workshop evaluations

I received in the mail from FGC this week the summary of the evaluations for the workshop I facilitated at Gathering this summer.

It seems to me that in the interests of my accountability, I ought to post that summary here.

What I am uncertain about is the comments. There were nine questions that asked for answers in words rather than in check-boxes. Readers who were also participants in the workshop might be able to discern the identity of the writers of two or three of the comments. (And, of course, if you wrote a comment, you may well recognize your own comment/s.)

So, here are my questions:
  • Post just the statistical summary?
  • Post the comments, but remove any identifiable comments?
  • Post both the statistical summary and the comments as they are, since there are no names on anything?
I would appreciate feedback on this one.


1 comment:

Ahavia said...

I would want to Post both the statistical summary and the comments as they are since I am OK with what I said or if anyone could recognize it. But that is me. Ahavia