Thursday, 26 February 2009

Elder for Saturday

I am teaching a Singing the Goddess Workshop Saturday at Our Lady of the Earth and Sky's Community Festival. (I also hope to exhibit and sell some of my crocheted pieces, some copies of A Winter Solstice Singing Ritual, and some copies of The Earth Will Turn Over.)

And I am having an attack of introversion.

So I am looking for some folks to act as elders/companions in the ministry/spiritual support persons.

What does such a person do?
  • Hold me in the Light/in spiritual care, any of the following times: between now and the workshop; during the day Saturday while I'm at OLOTEAS; and from 7-8 Pacific Time Saturday while I'm actually in the workshop. You could be anywhere and help me this way. :) I am hoping several people will agree to do this.
  • If you're in the Puget Sound area, come with me to OLOTEAS on Saturday, spend the day with me there, and be present during my workshop while holding me in the Light/in spiritual care.
In the past, I've had the experience where knowing that folks were holding me in their spiritual care/in the Light/in the care of That-Which-Is-Sacred has made a huge difference for me when doing something challenging.

I'm not sure why Saturday feels like something challenging, but it does; it could simply be the prospect of spending the day with a bunch of people I don't know very well!

So if you can help me out, I'd appreciate it.



Daniel Allen said...

You're on my calendar; I'll be holding you in the Light for periods of time between now and Saturday evening. :)

Morgan said...

Thank you, dear heart! That helps.

bnewman said...

You'll be in my prayers, too. :-).

Morgan said...

Thank you, too, dear heart! That also helps.

Sterghe said...

Count me in, Staśa. You'll have all the Light this Friendly Pagan can hold around you. :)

Morgan said...

Thank you, Sterghe! I appreciate it. :)