Friday, 2 July 2010

Fund-raising for travel in the ministry

Dear F/friends,

As I've mentioned before, there are several trips I feel led or called to take this summer which I do not have the financial means to do myself. For health reasons, Beloved Wife and I were not able to go to the FGC Couple Enrichment Leader Training; we were sad to miss it, but glad we stayed home recovering and taking good care of ourselves and each other. I did go to the Pacific Northwest Quaker Women's Theology Conference, and am definitely glad I went! I am still raising money to meet my costs for that trip. Tomorrow we leave for FGC Gathering, where I am serving in several ways; I have done well with financial assistance and work-grants for Gathering. Right after we get back, I leave for North Pacific Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions, and I need to fund-raise for that.

Here are the details:

Pacific NW Quaker Women's Theology Conference:

  • Registration: $250
  • Plane ticket + fees: $423
  • Misc food & ground transportation: $75.88 (does not include brownies)
  • Total: $748.88
Raised so far -- thank you!:
  • Scholarship: $250
  • Gifts: $266
  • Total: $516
Still needed: $232.88.

North Pacific Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions:

  • Registration: $236
  • Plane fare: $524.80
  • Misc food & ground transportation: ??
  • Total: $760.80 + a little more
Raised so far (thank you!):
  • $500 total combined from Monthly Meeting and Yearly Meeting
Still needed: $260.80 - $300.00.

Please click here for information on how to make gifts to my ministry.

Sometimes it's very hard for me to ask for financial support to travel in ministry. It helps to remind myself, in the words of FLGBTQC's co-clerk, that it's ministry given through me. Then I worry less about the personalities involved, and am reassured that it's not whether it's my ministry, and it's not whether what I do speaks to people, it's whether I listen well and discern how I'm called, and it's whether I'm faithful.

Thank you for your support, for holding me in your spiritual care, and for your financial help.

Yours in Friendship,
Blessed be,

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