Friday, 2 July 2010

Voices of Pagan Pacifism

Thanks to Jason Pitzl-Waters for the tip. - sm

Voices of Pagan Pacifism

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Voices of Pagan Pacifism project!

We hope this website will become an archive of helpful resources, inspiring stories and challenging essays available to the Pagan pacifist community, as well as the larger community of Pagans, Witches, Druids, Heathens and others interested in pre-Christian and earth-centered spirituality. It’s important to know that we are not alone, and to showcase the work and lives of our fellow peace-makers and social activists!

We conceive of this project as providing a showcase and permanent archive for the many voices of Pagan peace-making in the modern world. For this reason, we gladly accept submissions that have already been published elsewhere, provided they are submitted by (or with prior permission from) the original author and are accompanied by appropriate references and credit to the original publication source (including a link, if available). We also welcome new and original work never published before, by aspiring and previously-published writers alike!

We are currently accepting submissions for work in three main categories:

In all submissions (excepting the interview application form), we are interested in writing with a clear vision and a unique voice, with a minimum of grammatical and spelling errors and suitably credible research sources (when appropriate).

Submissions should be sent either as an attached file (in one of the following formats: .txt, .rtf or .pdf) or in the body of the email itself, along with the name of the writer, a short bio, and any relevant links to online sources or previous places of publication. (If you submit a piece on behalf of someone else, please include their contact information so that we can confirm permission to use their work.)

Submissions can be mailed to: submissions [at] paganpacifism [dot] com Please indicate which category/subcategory you think is appropriate for your work in the subject line of your email. See below for details on each of the categories.

I think this sounds really interesting, and I look forward to seeing what comes of it.

I believe this is of especial interest to Pagan Quakers and Quaker Pagans.

Feel free to let me know if you get involved, and what your experience is like!

1 comment:

RantWoman said...

This sounds fascinating. I will be very interested to see how it develops.