Monday, 26 July 2010

RantWoman and The RSoF: Tending Ministries of Blogging

I can tell this blog post by RantWoman is going to prompt all sorts of interesting thoughts and questions for me about blogging and writing and leadings and ministry once it's had the chance to rattle around my brain a bit.  I think any number of folks I know who blog or write in other ways as part of their ministry, whether Quaker, Pagan, Unitarian Universalist, Jewish, something different, some combination, might find some useful things to chew on in this.

RantWoman and The RSoF: Tending Ministries of Blogging


RantWoman said...

Ooh, ooh! A repost. Evidence that the post is part of a larger conversation. Ooh! Ooh!

Plus I can hit the option to see what other comments come in.

Morgan said...

Yes, indeed. Hooray!